Saving on Your Utility Bills This Winter

Saving on Your Utility Bills This Winter

Posted on by Starlane

Winter typically means spending more time at home, which inevitably leads to higher utility usage. You crank the heat to combat the cold, leave the lights and electronics on longer, and end up using more water. If you’re aiming to save a bit on your bills this season without sacrificing your comfort, here’s what you can do.

Wash your clothes in cold water

An estimated 75-90% of all the energy your washing machine uses goes to warming up the water. So, cold-water washing will not only lower your bills, but is actually better for reducing wrinkles, maintaining colours, and is gentler on most fabrics.

Only run the dishwasher when it’s full

Unless you’re leaving your home for a while, you can probably wait until the dishwasher is full before running a cycle. If it’s available, try the air-dry no-heat option or the energy-saving cycle to reduce the overall energy use. Most dishwashers also have a delay feature, which allows you to schedule the cycle to start later at night, when energy costs are lower.

Don’t block your air vents

When arranging furniture and décor around your home, be aware of the vent locations and air flow. Keeping these clear can ensure that air and heat is circulating efficiently in every room, therefore preventing the need to turn up the heat and overwork your system.

Unplug unused appliances

While it’s much easier to just leave everything plugged in around the house, as much as 10% of your regular energy usage might be seeping into these plugged-in appliances — even when you aren’t using them. Keeping even a few of your electronics or appliances unplugged can cut down on this phantom energy use and bring your bills down.

Open and close your drapes strategically

Letting sun in through the windows during the day can naturally bring some heat into your home, which should keep the temperature comfortable throughout the day without turning up the heating system. Additionally, closing blinds or curtains at night will prevent cool drafts and slow heat loss through the glass.

If your home is older you may also experience higher utility bills due to poor circulation, lack of insulation, and drafty windows and doors.

With a new home built by a trusted home builder, you can have peace of mind in knowing that it is built with high-quality material and all-new appliances that’ll help optimize your water and energy consumption. Check out our newest community, now selling in Cambridge or learn more about our building standards.